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  C++ Level 2

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Unit 202 Create Software Components using ‘C++’ Level 2

The aim of this unit is to enable candidates to understand the principles required to create software using the ‘C++’ programming language. Candidates will develop the skills required to create and test software components to solve a given problem.

There are 7 outcomes to this unit. The candidate will be able to:

  1. specify the basic tools required to create, compile and execute a program
  2. perform output to the screen
  3. construct and execute a ‘C++’ program using input, output and different data types
  4. use pre-defined functions
  5. use operators for arithmetic and logical purposes
  6. use suitable control structures and functions within a program
  7. produce programs, which are tested and presented to a specified/agreed standard.

Assessment will be by means of a set assignment covering practical activities and an online multiple choice test covering underpinning knowledge.